Welcome to the Lone Star Vincents


Howdy all and welcome to the blog of the Lone Star Chapter of the Vincent Owners Club!

We will report on the action of the Lone Stars, related to the owning, maintaining and riding these iconic motorcycles. 

The initial reports over the next month will cover our attendance at the Vincent Owners Club (VOC) International meet being held in California from September 11th to the 22nd, 2023. This will likely have the biggest collection of Vincent motorcycles ever seen in the USA. Bikes will be coming in from all parts of the globe, with the Southern California Vincent group planning an action filled 2 weeks. We will visit museums, see Jay Leno's garage and his collection of Vincents, ride the legendary Mulholland Drive up to The Rock Store and have a special screening of the new movie Speed is Expensive about the life of Phillip Vincent. See all the details about the International here: https://vincentowners.clubexpress.com/content.aspx?page_id=22&club_id=931962&module_id=460141 

We expect 10-12 of our Lone Star members to attend, with a few of them taking the long route down! Richard Asprey and a group of 8 Vincent riders left Maine 2 weeks ago and is riding across the top of America to Oregon, then south down to Ventura for the event! See more information here: https://vincentsacrossamerica.blogspot.com/ 

Lone Star Dan Farr and I are driving out from Central Texas on September 9th, with a couple stops planned in Arizona on the 10th to visit the Pima Air and Space Museum and also to visit the Jack Surtees Black Shadow recently acquired by a Lone Star member in Phoenix. Then into Ventura on the 11th to meet up with the rest of the Lone Stars and all the other VOC members from around the world!

Stay tuned to this space for updates on all the action!

Mark Scott


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